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The Impostor's Widget Failed to Load

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Bot Version: 1.9.1

1.9.2 Release: N/A


What is it?

The Impostor is a bot made to use some Among Us themed commands on Discord!

Current commands:

Use the prefix "$" or "@The Impostor"

You can also use $help for help

info - sends some useful links for the bot

patreon - get access to the patreon page!

vote - vote for the bot!

version - reports back the current version of the bot

uptime - get how long the bot has been online for

giveaways - get a list of all current giveaways

servers - returns the amount of servers the bot is in

creator - gives a bit of info about the creator

feedback - get a link to a feedback form

ping - get back your current latency

eject {user} {role} - eject the person you provide!

sus - that is very sus

kill {username} - die potatoes!

scan - prove you are not the impostor

download - download data and complete your tasks!

weather - go to Mira HQ and get the current weather!

inspect - inspect the medbay sample!

vent - who knows where you'll end up!

sabotage - sabotage one of the systems to guarantee an impostor victory!

reboot - reboot the wifi to play amog us

shower - clean off all that dirt!

swipe - swipe the admin card!

launch {doorlogs} - see what you can find on the systems

report - where on earth did you find that dead body?

develop - develop the photos for your task!

meme - cool amog us meme

redeem {code} - redeem a code to unlock a premium tier

achievements - show yours or someone elses badges!

beans - returns your current bean balance

If you want to view all new commands, run $help inside your discord server


The Impostor is a bot that will continuously recieve updates!